One of Chris' (and mine, too) favorite dishes from Veganomicon is the Spicy Tempeh and Broccoli Rabe Pasta. I've probably made it a half a dozen times, but the version I made the other night was by far the best. In the past I've used regular broccoli instead of the rabe since the coop in my neighborhood doesn't carry that. But last weekend I randomly decided to do my grocery shopping at Minneapolis' newly remodeled Whole Foods--and of course they have pretty much anything you could ever want or need. Except pumpernickel bread, wtf? I've been quietly boycotting Whole Foods since I read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan (if you've read the book, you get it). I may have felt a twinge of guilt as I entered the store, but after filling my cart with a bouquet of tulips, cans of 99-cent store brand chickpeas, and loads of super fresh produce, I have to admit I might become more of a regular again. Okay, that was quit a tangent--back to the main story. While at Whole Foods I noticed they had broccoli rabe, and I grabbed a small bunch figuring I could use it somewhere. The other night Chris was feeling down, so I figured that called for a fabulous dinner (yes, I use food to fix things). I had most of the ingredients for the spicy tempeh dish, so that's what I made. The one thing I usually do differently is really mash up the tempeh instead of leaving some small cubes. I've found that this makes it more flavorful (sort of like ground sausage) and you can't even tell it's tempeh. Well, the recipe calls for two tablespoons of tomato paste, which is something I always have on hand. I pulled the jar out of the fridge and realized that was once tomato paste was now raspberry preserves (no, it didn't morph--I reuse jars). I had a can of tomato sauce in the cupboard though, so I figured that would be a fine substitute. But after measuring out my two tablespoons of sauce, I realized that the rest of the can would probably end up getting lost in the back of the fridge and going to waste, so I just dumped the remainder in with the tempeh. It made the dish a little saucier but not at all runny, and I figure it added some extra nutrients from the additional tomato. As you can see from the photo, it's not a pretty dish (at least when I make it!), but the taste more than makes up for its appearance. Oh, and we'd already devoured our portions by the time I decided to take a picture, so that's another reason it looks so yucky.
Friday, March 28, 2008
The Wonders of Tempeh
One of Chris' (and mine, too) favorite dishes from Veganomicon is the Spicy Tempeh and Broccoli Rabe Pasta. I've probably made it a half a dozen times, but the version I made the other night was by far the best. In the past I've used regular broccoli instead of the rabe since the coop in my neighborhood doesn't carry that. But last weekend I randomly decided to do my grocery shopping at Minneapolis' newly remodeled Whole Foods--and of course they have pretty much anything you could ever want or need. Except pumpernickel bread, wtf? I've been quietly boycotting Whole Foods since I read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan (if you've read the book, you get it). I may have felt a twinge of guilt as I entered the store, but after filling my cart with a bouquet of tulips, cans of 99-cent store brand chickpeas, and loads of super fresh produce, I have to admit I might become more of a regular again. Okay, that was quit a tangent--back to the main story. While at Whole Foods I noticed they had broccoli rabe, and I grabbed a small bunch figuring I could use it somewhere. The other night Chris was feeling down, so I figured that called for a fabulous dinner (yes, I use food to fix things). I had most of the ingredients for the spicy tempeh dish, so that's what I made. The one thing I usually do differently is really mash up the tempeh instead of leaving some small cubes. I've found that this makes it more flavorful (sort of like ground sausage) and you can't even tell it's tempeh. Well, the recipe calls for two tablespoons of tomato paste, which is something I always have on hand. I pulled the jar out of the fridge and realized that was once tomato paste was now raspberry preserves (no, it didn't morph--I reuse jars). I had a can of tomato sauce in the cupboard though, so I figured that would be a fine substitute. But after measuring out my two tablespoons of sauce, I realized that the rest of the can would probably end up getting lost in the back of the fridge and going to waste, so I just dumped the remainder in with the tempeh. It made the dish a little saucier but not at all runny, and I figure it added some extra nutrients from the additional tomato. As you can see from the photo, it's not a pretty dish (at least when I make it!), but the taste more than makes up for its appearance. Oh, and we'd already devoured our portions by the time I decided to take a picture, so that's another reason it looks so yucky.
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1 comment:
Homegirl, you've got to get tomato paste in a tube. For realsies.
I got mine at Cossetta, but I think you can get it at WF and Kramarczuk (not that you'd probably want to go into that meat festival). Ooh, or Surdyks!
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